SkillELECTRIC Competitor Toolkit

World skills UK

This page contains the information you need to read and understand before registering for the SkillELECTRIC (WorldSkills UK Electrical Installation) competition in 2021. It will provide you with an overview of the competition and how you can best prepare yourself to take part.

For all queries relating to the competition, your main contact is Jennie Phung, Project Manager, SkillELECTRIC
Email: Telephone: 07588 640405

Thank you to our sponsors/supporters

SkillELECTRIC is the industry’s premier annual skills competition, run in partnership with WorldSkills UK, and is generously sponsored by Scolmore Group, Edmundson Electrical, ESP, CPN-Cudis, Di-LOG and Dickies Workwear. View full information on our sponsors.

We’d also like to thank the SkillELECTRIC judges and venues who host the competitions; the competition could not run without the valuable input.

Take a look at the information below to find out more about the industry and the SkillELECTRIC competition: